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Like a Boss

Jun 4, 2019


Your next client is closer than you think…in fact, they’re right in front of you!


We spend so much time focusing on growing our audience that we forget about the people who are already connected to us.


The more you focus on building relationships with the people in front of you, the more clients you’re going to get. Here are some reasons why it’s so important to nurture your existing audience:


  1. Those people already know you


In order for people to trust you, they need to spend some time in your world. You’re already actively building that know, like, and trust factor with the people currently in your audience.


  1. They’re hearing your messages over and over again


People need to hear and see things 10 – 12 different times before they are ready to take action. People need time to think things through and get out of their own head.


  1. The relationship already exists


When you find new people, you’re starting from scratch. If you focus on your own audience, you can go to them at any time and continue the conversation. Your conversion rates are going to be higher when you focus on the people who know you already.


When you obsess over attracting new people, you start seeing people as numbers and not as actual people. Your clients are out there struggling and you can help them. Stop focusing on how many people are following you and focus on helping those in front of you.


So what does this look like?


  1. You need to have your own community, not rely on someone else’s


Building my Facebook group has completely changed my business! I get 90% of my business from my group alone. I know that every time I go into my group and offer something, someone’s going to buy. That’s because I’ve take the time to show up and give them amazing, incredible value that they can’t get anywhere else.


  1. Show up consistently


Maybe you’re showing up for a little bit but then things get tough. You get in your own head, you start to second-guess yourself, or you don’t think anyone is watching.


You cannot take external actions like comments, likes, and follows to signify someone’s interest in working with you. People are still digesting all of your information behind the scenes. Are you showing up for them?


  1. Identify your VIPs


These are the people who do show up, who are showing significant interest by reading your emails, clicking your links to sales pages, and asking questions.


Are you taking time to build a relationship with them? These are the people who are more likely to buy! Take time to communicate with them, ask what they need, and share things that would be helpful for them.


  1. Offer people the chance to talk with you about your services


What good is a community if you’re not telling anyone how you solve their problem and inviting them to chat more with you about it?


A lot of you are afraid to do this because you don’t want to seem salesy. But people are in your community for a reason, because it’s bringing value to them. And if they’re getting value from your free community, what kind of value would they get from a paid service that they invest in? Offer them the opportunity! Tell them how they can learn more.


  1. After they become a client, serve them well


When clients stick with you long term, it is so much easier and more profitable for your business. So take care of your current clients! This is how you can have fewer clients, work less, and make more money.


The pressure always comes up to focus on numbers and get new people in. When that pressure arises here are two things you can do to work through it:


  1. Be grateful for what you have


Are you grateful for every single person who signs on with you? If you’re just focused on the clients you don’t have, your current clients will sense it.


A great way to quickly change your perspective is to write down each client’s name and at least one thing you’re grateful for.


  1. Ask how you can serve your clients well today


It is such a good feeling to serve your clients! When you come from a place of service, imagine how it’s going to impact the way you show up with the people who have not signed on with you yet.


When you can be grateful for the clients you do have, and focus on serving them well, it is going to have a broad impact across every aspect of your business and the way you show up.


We have a tendency to focus on what we don’t have versus what we do have. It’s time to start focusing on what you do have, because you have a lot more than you realize.


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  1. Find out more on how you can work with Michelle at Vroom Communications
  2. Follow Vroom Communications on Facebook.
  3. Continue the conversation in our Facebook Group.
  4. Grab your free guide - 5 Steps to Get Clients Like a Boss.


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